Hello! I’m Hannah Stanfield, a homeschool graduate from the state of Texas. My life is a strange mixture of noise and quiet. I spend a lot of time at home, but am surrounded by a bunch of rambunctious siblings who bring excitement to life. I’ve traveled little, but moved quite a few times.
I love writing and started a story when I was twelve which I continued to slowly work on for the next eight years, writing hundreds of pages and spending hours drafting and revising. Since joining an online writing program I have finally set it aside to work on other stories and I’m excited to say I can now complete a story without spending forever on it.
When I’m not writing and plotting stories, I’m usually reading and doing stuff around the house with my family of ten. Like washing dishes, baking treats and playing games with my four little sisters.
I love spending time outside, going on long runs and walks and exploring the local woods. If I am going to be honest, talking online and playing chess also take up a fair amount of my time.
After graduating, I chose to stay with my family rather than go to college.
Since then, I have really tried to buckle down on my writing skill and expand my theological knowledge. So, I suppose I could say I’m majoring in theology and creative writing (from home). But more than being an author, I desire to be a wife, mother and homemaker. Much of what I do is to prepare for that, by working at home with my family and learning from my mom.
I was raised in a Christian household, but I was not always a Christian. For much of my childhood I didn’t care about God or his word. But in my teens, God brought my dead soul to life and I was convicted of my sin and need for Christ. He gave me faith and eyes to see and I believed in him for the forgiveness of my sins. Since then, he has given me a hunger for his word, a love for Christ and a desire to talk and write about him.
Here is What I Believe.
I started this blog as a way to build my writing skills, work on consistency and hopefully bless a few people along the way.
God bless!
“My chief desire in all my writings, is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him beautiful and glorious in the eyes of people; and to promote the increase of repentance, faith, and holiness upon earth.” - J.C. Ryle